12 Mei 2009

a definition of friendship

what is a friend? a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Since friendship starts the moment a child starts socializing, the kind of friends that the child chooses should be taken care of till the time he she learns to differentiate between right and wrong. Wrong peers or lack of socializing can lead to severe psychological traumas and disorders, finally leading to social maladjustment. The correct peer group is essential for the development of the personality of a child. Both positive and negative experiences refine the personality of the individual
friendship is the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring all right out just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful friendly hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping and, with a breath of comfort, blow the rest away all the crazy fun i had with all my lovely friends!

xoxo, Maruchi

hey, i'm Marcha

hay i'm marcha, i'm 17 years old. gw sekolah di al azhar 3 senior highschool keliatan nya keren ya? padahal.....no comment deh gw. gw punya 2 adek, yg pertama namanya Adam yg kedua namanya Adel. i love my self, because gw suka diri gw apa adanya gw gak suka yg aneh2 ya kecuali keadaan memaksa gw buat ngelakuin hal2 yg aneh haha. gw tinggal di selatan jakarta. ya, tebet! ada yg tau tebet? yg gak tau payah. gw punya cowok namanya Praditya, satu sekolah sama gw, ya seperti rata2 kebanyakan cowok yaa dia baik pinter humoris, pokoknya (Y) deh ya tapi kadang2 yg namanya hubungan ada kan lika liku nya, eaa. gw punya beberapa temen yg baik banget sama gw tapi yg gw bingung kenapa semua orang manggil gw dengan nama aneh?
they called me cil they called me maruchil they called me maruchiman they called me aura kasih they called me marucia they called me jenong they called me marchia urdeno they called me cacil they called me bocah they called me kalong
they called me bayi that's not my name, my name is Marcha Erdina. or you can call me chacha, understand?

xoxo, Maruchi

penyesalan selalu datang belakangan

penyesalan selalu datang belakangan? yes itu pasti bener. semua orang pasti ngalamin ini. ya kan? gw juga, ngerasain yg namanya penyesalan datang belakangan.

pertama, gw gak dapet ipa gara2 gw terlalu meremeh kan pelajaran ipa

, gw males belajar jadinya nilai gw jelek

, gw salah beli barang gara2 gw sok tau kalo barang yg gw beli pertama bagus ternyata? black market dan yg paling2

keempat, cowok yg ngedeketin gw dulu gw jutekin sampe akhirnya jadian sama cewek lain dan pas gw gak punya cowok gw malah suka sama dia
ergggh kenapa ya bisa gitu? dosa apa sih gw sampe2 semua hal pada kayak gitu. pepatah gak bisa di anggap remeh ya ternyata. cuma bisa satu kata sabar

hhhh, Maruchi