22 Desember 2009

Esta história

Hi, I want to tell something to you. All originated from the unexpected. First, the relationship I was with someone is not fun! You know why? Yes, I was slandered :( when I was very fond of him. But everything went very quickly. About a month I run a relationship with him. Right away I was down, I’m not the spirit to do anything. But over time I finally get through. Oke forget it!!!!

Until I meet someone, named Reza Ahmad Zaki, he was kind, caring, funny, yes he’s my type, but at that moment I could not forget my ex…..
Short story time goes quickly, because now I’m wearing blackberry I finally kept at him. Over time, I’m comfortable with him. He’s cool, nice, and I think he’s handsome :p

And the first time I met him at Citos (gaya), that night I met with him. Good right? Yes he’s very good to me. About a month I was close with him, we finally went to sency, watch twilight! He either wanted to accompany me to watch even though he was watching the movie :)

That night he declared his feelings to me, he gave me a bunch of red roses I was shocked! Confused to say anything, but I’m very happy :D I have the same feelings. I love him too. I like his personality.

Although all went fast, I felt comfortable beside you. You make me feel safe when I am beside you. Although sometimes you make me mad hahaha

Oiya events that I think there is quite crazy! Thursday, the date by which you? oh I forgot, and I went to the top (puncak) with reza. Hahaha lol. Initially feared, but our trip was very very nice … Thanks reza
I so refreshing it haha (called also been the final exam)

Hmm for now anyway, he was someone who I love

I hope it does not end soon as I start it quickly. amin

♥, Marcha Erdina

17 September 2009

semua gue

Hari ini capek banget karena mbak gue udah pulang supir gue pun udah pulang ahasil semua yg ngerjain tugas2 mereka ya gue.........gosh

nyuci piring? check
bantuin nyokap masak? check
beresin kamar? check
nyapu? check

03 September 2009

The Lost Children

i lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve this song

We pray for our fathers, pray for our mothers
Wishing our families well
We sing songs for the wishing, of those who are kissing
But not for the missing

So this one’s for all the lost children
This one’s for all the lost children
This one’s for all the lost children, wishing them well
And wishing them home

When you sit there addressing, counting your blessings
Biding your time
When you lay me down sleeping and my heart is weeping
Because I’m keeping a place

For all the lost children
This is for all the lost children
This one’s for all the lost children, wishing them well
And wishing them home

Home with their fathers,
Snug close and warm, loving their mothers
I see the door simply wide open
But no one can find thee

So pray for all the lost children
Let’s pray for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost children, wishing them well
This is for all the lost children
This one’s for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost children
Wishing them well, and wishing them home

31 Agustus 2009

it all started from december 2008, when i met this guy and i thought he was perfect...... i thougt it was love at first sight, everything has change and now we can be together :) 8♥

29 Agustus 2009

closing alpus 1 cup

hemm ini udah lama tapi baru di post skg hehe ini foto pas closing alpus cup!

28 Agustus 2009


maaf telat banget haha ini foto foto 17an hasil jepretan gw pake slr nya indah....

makan kerupuk

tarik tambang

futsal & bakiak

yang ini di fotoin,

09 Agustus 2009

That's What Friends are For

Sahabat, the one friend who is closest to you. ada yang bilang sahabat itu adalah teman yang benar-benar dekat sampai tahu hal-hal kecil tentang kita. ada juga yang bilang sahabat itu kalau kemana-mana selalu bareng. tapi salah satu temen gw bilang, sahabat itu adalah teman dalam suka dan duka